Trini Alvarado pin-up

I have not appended an exclamation point to this post title, as I did with “Robin Johnson pin-up!,” simply because this is not an actual pin-up.
It is instead an autographed photograph of Trini Alvarado as Mooch in Satisfaction (1988). Trini loves me! (or whoever she signed the photo for.) And I love Trini in this photograph; she looks so mussed. (Also very “Pammy-does-Nicky.” Yowsa!)

About DefeatedandGifted

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This entry was posted in Fandom, Queer Spectatorship, Times Square (1980) movie, Trini Alvarado. Bookmark the permalink.

2 Responses to Trini Alvarado pin-up

  1. ZZ says:

    She sure is stunning. I can’t understand why she hasn’t done more movies.

    • Trini Alvarado showed what an amazing range she has, even in her first few movies. In my mind, she is the biggest movie star in the world and Robin Johnson will always be ROBIN FREAKIN’ JOHNSON! It’s better to live in your mind, because the mainstream film industry sure doesn’t make any sense!

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